I was living in Orlando, Florida. My roommates were friends and culinary graduates of Johnson & Wales University, the same school I had attended for Hospitality Management. I found my way back into their lives to help open a catering business, THAT we did! Now if you know catering or don't let me tell you it's hard work and has little rewards. On this day, it was Chef Lo (27 yrs. old from Laos) and myself. We as usual, packed up his Denali and headed to the event. IT, was at a wine shop! At this point in my life I was dabbling with wine, had a concept of food pairings and was CERTAINLY blindsided by the events to follow.
We unloaded the van. The function, for a bank I think. We were serving small bites. There was ceviche, Oysters Rockefeller but surprisingly, no bruschetta (industry joke)! The white wines were RIESLING and the reds I've certainly forgotten. As the night wained on the food disappeared, as too did the guests. This left us to cleanup and what do you know, 'would you two like some wine?', the owner said. Me a Hospitality major and Lo an Asian easily effected by alcohol, obliged! Outside beat with Florida's blazing heat, inside with even the air conditioning, the Riesling was quick to become our friend. I think the whites were about $60 a bottle, so of course at the time, that made them better! We were offered corks for the remaining wine of our choosing, so we chose! No surprise, no red!
Packed and shipping off and in the car Lo suggested a late dinner at his parents house. It was 8pm or so. I was 'in', and so we went, and on our way I remembered. Asian food...riesling.....Asian Food...Riesling ...ASIAAN FOOOD...RIESLINGGGG!!!!! Now understand these were thoughts to myself, I had understood that the pairing existed but at the time it still seemed a myth. Well when we arrived at his house, dinner was over. Everyone was gone, but his mother. However, she took over, down we sat and watched and waited. I in anticipation.
Not one thing did I recognize but the wine and the rice. From a basket and with our hands we scooped the rice out and onto our plates. In a bowl came an awkward looking green soup as I recall. A taste. Received with a spice of massive intensity, power and heat, however balanced like never a spice I have had since. Following that, an internal grin that probably spilled out over in tasty amazement. A glance to my host and then at the words Spatlese! A sip then I took that I can STILL taste and feel today, but no words now, a pause...................and another sip. It was happening, like 'the second coming', I had ARRIVED, then a new dish. It was tongue. Beef tongue to be specific and my first. Spicy once again, more rice, more wine and a bite. It was euphoric and a high I can only try to explain, never will I do it justice. Lastly thin strips of sliced beef, fried and crusted in sesame seeds. Firm and jerky like, its authenticity never questioned. The final sips and so it goes.
The details and specifics now are fuzzy. Lapsed time has done the memories in, but that's what I remember. Like love, you'll never see it coming. You can't prepare for it. However when it arrives you'll know, and I did. I'm certain that Lo doesn't know about this life shaping moment in my life, heck he might not even recall the night at all. Like peering over 'the other side' I saw something, I remember it and I want more.
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