Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Secret Wine Weapon


Hello boys and girls (21 and over), on your way into the the Seattle night, armed with all the intentions of having some VINO to get the evening underway! First off cheers to THAT, your already obvious intelligence and to all of our better looks soon to come!

I have for you some questions and I already know the answers, please follow along. Do you sometimes find ordering a bottle of wine at a restaurant intimidating? Do you spend more time in the wine isle at the grocery store just staring, only to pick a bottle based on the label? Do you do much the same at the wine shop? Are you worried about trying something new for fear of not enjoying it? Do you want to make all of this much easier, with less risk and add far more value? You're damn right, I do too and here is how you do it! Use cellartracker.com.

Cellartracker.com is a free media site that was originally built for personal wine cellar management. What it is now, is much more than that and its strength lies in the reviews of wine by its 80,000 members. This virtual online wine collection houses over 12 million bottles from personal cellars around the world, all awaiting the faith of consumption, a review in the form of tasting notes from their owners and a final score based on the 100 point system. Largely the way the American public purchases wine is through ratings from popular critics who have developed reputations based around their OPINIONS about wine. While these OPINIONS are justified by the critic’s experience level, it is unarguable that one persons taste often varies greatly to that of another’s--it is for this reason that we deal with a flawed system. The strength of cellartracker.com is that a single bottle of wine is often reviewed by many different consumers, all with different palates. You will often have more than 20 different postings about a single bottle as well as an average score for that wine.

There are several things to keep in mind when using cellartracker.com. Remember to read the tasting notes about the wine you're searching, it can often be the make or break. When looking at the scores, I find it best to disregard the extreme high and low ratings and focus on the majority. Understand that many of these users aren't wine professionals, but do take wine somewhat seriously, otherwise they wouldn't be using the website. Use cellartracker.com tasting notes to help in identifying a wine flavor profile (the things you taste). It's SOO fun to review and score a wine for yourself then go the site and compare your thoughts with the rest of the wine community.

Do yourself and your friends a favor, add cellartracker.com as an App to your iphone or save it as a bookmark. Use it as a reference, before you buy your next bottle of wine and the many, many more to come. Impress your lady, show off to your man and start making tactical wine buying decisions that will from here on out emphasize value. You should know that we have only scratched the surface of this website, it offers far more depth than we have covered, like using it as your paperless wine journal! I'll leave you with that, enjoy the BUZZ!

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